I have a harvest location

Do you have a location where we would be allowed to remove saplings? Are there trees sprouting within a metre of the walking path? Do you have plans to do any mowing? Perhaps there is a species that is in excess, and you would like to have it removed, or are there so many saplings that they wouldn’t all be able to mature fully?


From November to March, More Trees Now, with the help of volunteers, collects surplus seedlings from nature reserves, estates, parks, and green or demolition sites. Each year, trees produce hundreds of saplings, many of which sprout in locations where they cannot fully mature. Maybe it’s the wrong place for the species. Or they get mowed down because they’re growing too close to a walking path, or they’re sprouting in peat bogs or other non-forest landscapes.

We rescue saplings ranging from 50cm to 2m in height, as these are the ones that are most likely to survive transplantation. The species are typically native pioneer species but may also include non-native ones. We do not transplant invasive exotics, but if we’re working in the area, we can remove some for you. This creates a win-win situation!