Communication toolkit

More Trees Now runs (almost) entirely on the strength of volunteers. Therefore, an easy way to share communication tips to ensure the success of your event is indispensable! With the information, advice, tools, links, and downloads on this page, we aim to help you get started as effectively as possible.

Mobilise sapling rescuers for your event!

Mobilising people to join your event or local sapling rescue group is crucial. Each person who joins contributes to saving approximately 50 to 100 saplings at every event! With this page, our aim is to assist you in getting started. If you have any questions or require our support, please email us at [email protected].


Social Media

Consider setting up your own social media account and posting about your event! You can refer to our social media accounts for some examples. You can use social media to call for volunteers and share photos from the event itself. When people see how successful and enjoyable your event was, they might attend the next one!


More Trees Now

Harvest Day

Tree GIve Away

Planting day

Whatsapp message

Call to action

Set an example


Here, you will find photos, flyers, brochures, posters, and other imagery to ensure the success of your event.

general pictures - more trees now

Group picture Corby
Group picture Wakelyns
Group picture dublin
harvest day wales
Planting day galway
harvest day leadburn


England general poster
Ireland general poster
harvest poster
Wales general poster
Tree Give Away Poster
Scotland general poster


General flyer
Harvest flyer
Give-away flyer


More Trees Now - introduction
New presentations will follow soon
New presentations will follow soon


Brochure More Trees Now
New material to come
New material to come

Standard Press Releases

Send them to a local paper!

standard letters

Write to your local forester, tree NGO, municipality and much more with these standard letters. 

Sign up to stay informed on events near you!